mercredi, octobre 12, 2005

my pre-halfway point thoughts.

actually, it's not even my own thought. but erica told me someone told her this and i think it's very true: studying abroad is like being pulled out of your life for four months and really having time to look at it and yourself. i couldn't agree more. being here for me has been very interesting and very frustrating. i've first off learned quite a bit about other people, some in particular, but also i've been having a lot of time to reflect, as lame as it sounds. i'm not gonna be that much of an open book and write it all out here, mostly because i think that the people who matter most and have been talking to me, and are my most loyal readers anyway, know what i mean.

and to those people, on the other side of the globe, who have actually listened (on skype, on the phone) or read (via email) what i do mean, i dedicate this post. without you guys, i probably (fine, definitely) couldn't function. thanks for being the tissue to my nose.