lundi, novembre 07, 2005


today someone bagged my groceries for me. today the professor of my french university class praised my baudelaire paper in front of the whole class. today i study for the midterm i have tomorrow.

today also marks the 12th day of violence in the suburbs of paris. the first death was reported today. last night gunfire was shot at policemen, ten of whom were wounded, who then arrested 395 people. i went over to my hungarian cousins (who've lived in france for over 50 years now) and it's clear to me the french have no sympathy for the rioters. so the best this can do is garner international media attention, i guess. how the hell is this all going to end?

chirac hasn't said much about the whole thing, but called an emergency meeting. meanwhile sarkozy's being stubborn and silly.

vive la france?