vendredi, septembre 23, 2005

is it ironic that i was arguing over the definition of irony yesterday?

here's how i was originally going to start off this post: i can't tell you how many bites i have just on my back, but the number's definitely close to ten. then there's a bunch more on my neck and ankles. last night, i began to worry that the bug bites weren't even mosquito bites--but "les punaises" or bed bugs. this worry came from two things: 1. that i'd heard of someone here having them. and 2. last night we discussed in depth what bed bugs are and if it's a possibility.

the "we" is me, two other reid hallians, and this lovely woman whose house we went to last night for a vegetarian cooking class. it was a really nice house in montmartre, with antiques and interesting old maps everywhere (her ex-husband's an antique dealer), two adorable french kids, and a whole lotta good food. she was born in canada, lived in africa, and was very interesting. i walked in there and decided i needed to be french.

she taught us to make a great salad with phenyl and mushrooms (which i thought i'd hate), ratatouille (which i thought i'd hate), orange glazed cake (no contest). anyway the meal was great, except for all the discussion of bed bugs. she was really interesting and i so want to be her friend/live in her house.

the bed bug thing scared me, but everyone assured me they're sure it's not bed bugs. i was a bit worried because i do keep waking up with more bites and haven't seen a mosquito in days, and don't leave any windows open.

here's what made me want to change what i said in my post first: the last two nights i kept returning home after a long day of reid hall and going out, not ever going home first. so i see this post on the door but can't read it because it's too late and too dark. this morning, as i'm leaving the building, i finally take a look at it and it's a fumigation notice (i think!) about cockroaches (i think). nevertheless, the whole thing makes me wonder. what the hell are those bites on my back?